What books did Australian teens enjoy reading most in the last two years?
What books did teens enjoy most in 2023 and 2024? The Discovering a Good Read (DAGR) study is about to publish some findings from our survey about Australian secondary school students’ leisure reading behaviour.
Published in the Synergy in early October 2024 our article outlines key trends in student responses to a question that asked them about the books they enjoyed reading most in the previous year. There was an impressive diversity in the books they identified, showcasing wide-ranging individual tastes and interests and a broad spectrum of engagement, including a range of genres (fantasy, mystery and crime, romance) and book types (young adult and middle grade literature, contemporary fiction, non-fiction and classics).
We are sharing an Excel Spreadsheet of this data with our readers under a Creative Commons License – CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.*
*This license requires that reusers give credit to the creator. It allows reusers to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format in unadapted form and for noncommercial purposes only.